30 January 2011


so, i signed back into facebook- bad move, but "necessary" since i've met a lot of people here that keep facebooks instead of orkut =/

i've since become more comfortable with my portugues- especially after i've had a couple caipirinhas.  caipirinhas are the most popular drink here, made from cachaça- sugar cane liquor but it kind of tastes and smells like tequilla. anyways, yes- my portugues is phenomenal after a couple drinks =]
livraria cultura. the most kick ass bookstore ever, sorry barnes and nobles.

dear americans, catch on. see, looking and and sorting your "garbage" ain't that hard! yeah, i said ain't..for some reason my english is suffering here lol.

okay, so. i had to add this one just because the story is funny. well, these places ("motels")-in brasil- are only meant for one thing, which is depicted by the giant ass on the sign.  because kids live with their parents until they are  married, these motels provide a classy experience, i'm sure, for young love birds. anyhow, it's very common and there are TONS, i mean TONS of them everywhere...they're easy to spot with their hearts/cheesy/sometimes inappropriate billboards- like "MASSAGERS IN EVERY ROOM"

guiamum. mmmm

tchau, tchau

28 January 2011


*this will be a "blog" soon, promise.  i just need somewhere to put the enlightening things i would of had as my fb status(ewh)

25 January 2011